Genome: Francisella tularensis subsp. mediasiatica FSC147 (NC_010677.1); Phylum: Gammaproteobacteria
S.No.Riboswitch Location and StrandRiboswitch classDownstream gene location and StrandDownstream gene name/gene product descriptionLocus_tag of downstream geneSingle gene/within operon (According to DOOR database)Operon details (List of genes within operon and their Locus_tag)Predicted Structure
1 55208-55357 (-)FMN54019-55087 (-)ribD


DOOR ID: 433709
FTM_0046 (ribH),
FTM_0048 (ribC),
FTM_0049 (ribD)
View Structure
2 986273-986374 (+)TPP986431-987055 (+)FTM_0904

FTM_0904Single gene

DOOR ID: 2313112
FTM_0904 View Structure