Genome: Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa GB514 (NC_017562.1); Phylum: Gammaproteobacteria
S.No.Riboswitch Location and StrandRiboswitch classDownstream gene location and StrandDownstream gene name/gene product descriptionLocus_tag of downstream geneSingle gene/within operon (According to DOOR database)Operon details (List of genes within operon and their Locus_tag)Predicted Structure
1 125636-125761 (+)yybP-ykoY125810-126395 (+)XFLM_00575

XFLM_00575Single gene

DOOR ID: 3691645
XFLM_00575 View Structure
2 2234487-2234585 (-)TPP2232604-2234416 (-)XFLM_10240

XFLM_10240Single gene

DOOR ID: 3692500
XFLM_10240 View Structure