Genome: Cupriavidus necator N-1 chromosome II (NC_015723.1); Phylum: Betaproteobacteria
S.No.Riboswitch Location and StrandRiboswitch classDownstream gene location and StrandDownstream gene name/gene product descriptionLocus_tag of downstream geneSingle gene/within operon (According to DOOR database)Operon details (List of genes within operon and their Locus_tag)Predicted Structure
1 483406-483524 (-)glycine482080-483349 (-)dadA1

D-amino acid dehydrogenase small subunit
CNE_2c04540Single gene

DOOR ID: 3214414
CNE_2c04540 (dadA1) View Structure
2 483525-483623 (-)glycine482080-483349 (-)dadA1

D-amino acid dehydrogenase small subunit
CNE_2c04540Single gene

DOOR ID: 3214414
CNE_2c04540 (dadA1) View Structure
3 1268638-1268796 (+)FMN1268967-1269651 (+)ribB2

3;4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase (DHBP synthase) (2)
CNE_2c11940Single gene

DOOR ID: 3214692
CNE_2c11940 (ribB2) View Structure