Genome: Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 chromosome II (NC_010086.1); Phylum: Betaproteobacteria
S.No.Riboswitch Location and StrandRiboswitch classDownstream gene location and StrandDownstream gene name/gene product descriptionLocus_tag of downstream geneSingle gene/within operon (According to DOOR database)Operon details (List of genes within operon and their Locus_tag)Predicted Structure
1 1197171-1197365 (-)cobalamin1194972-1196889 (-)Bmul_4173

Bmul_4173Single gene

DOOR ID: 2182372
Bmul_4173 View Structure
2 2066667-2066773 (-)fluoride2065347-2066589 (-)Bmul_4940

Bmul_4940Single gene

DOOR ID: 2182710
Bmul_4940 View Structure